Academic Employment Opportunities at the NII, Echizen Laboratory, Project Researcher (Specified fixed-term employment, Postdoctoral Fellow)


Academic Employment Opportunities at the NII, Echizen Laboratory, Project Researcher (Specified fixed-term employment, Postdoctoral Fellow)


1. Job titles:

Postdoctoral fellow
* Based on performance, successful applicants may be named Assistant Professor by Special Appointment or Associate Professor by Special Appointment.

2. Number of recruits:


3. Work location:

National Institute of Informatics (Gakujutsu Sougou Center,Hitotsubashi 2-1-2, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Directions: 3-5 minutes walk from exit A9 of the Jimbocho subway station on the Toei Shinjuku Line, or from exit 1b of the Takebashi subway station on the Tozai Line (refer to the map).

4. Affiliation:

Echizen Lab, Information and Society Research Division, National Institute of Informatics

5. Job description:

The candidates will proactively engage in research projects related to JST K Program, SYNTHETIQ X (SYNTHETIQ X: Research Platform for Defending and Preventing Spread of Fake Information) and JST CREST FakeMedia (Social Information Technologies to Counter Infodemics) led by Prof. Echizen.

Relevant research areas for the research projects are AI security, multimedia security, and multimedia forensics, media processing (image, video, and natural language processing), and machine learning. The candidates should have an interest and background in these and other related technologies.

6. Requirements:

  • Having a PhD degree or is expected to have a PhD degree when admitted
  • Having experience in any or multiple research topics listed above
  • Being able to communicate in Japanese or English (paper writing, presentation, etc)

7. Period of employment:

From 2025 April 1st to 2026 March 31

  • The starting date is negotiable
  • It is possible to extend the employment period based on the research outcomes and availability of the research budget.
  • However, the maximum employment period is up to 2030 March 31st. The contract is renewed per year.

8. Workdays:

Five days a week, Monday through Friday

  • Days off: Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and year-end and New Year’s holidays (December 29 – January 3).
  • Summer vacation: Any two consecutive days between August 12 and 18, excluding Saturdays and Sundays.

9. Working hours:

Seven hours and 45 minutes per day under a discretionary work system.

10. Leave of absence:

Conferred in accordance with regulations:

  • Annual paid leave
  • Vacation other than annual paid leave

11. Salary:

Provided based on regulations

  • Basic salary: 486,000 Yen ~ 683,000 Yen per month (based on working experience)
  • Commuting allowance: Amount paid to cover actual commuting costs (there is a limit)
  • Payday: At month-end closing, generally on the 17th of the same month

12. Insurance:

Employment and workers’ compensation insurance covered by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mutual Aid Association in accordance with laws and regulations.

13. Application document:

Please submit the application documents to the following email address with the specified title:

Title: Echizen Laboratory: Project Researcher Application
Email: iechizen (at)  please replace (at) with @

  1. Resume in the format specified by ROIS (Please fill in academic background, academic degrees, and awards; please paste photo and add signature; please include email address and phone number)
  2. List of research outcomes (list in the following order: thesis, peer-viewed journal paper, peer-viewed conference paper, non-peer-viewed publication)
  3. Professional activity (e.g., academic society affiliations, committee chair, competitive funds)
  4. Copy of main research papers (3 papers at maximum)
  5. Personal statement (research outline, motivation, expectation, in 1 page A4 paper)
  6. Contact information of 1 reference

14. Selection procedure:

Interview may be required after document screening.
Interview will be conducted online using zoom.

15. Notification of application results:

Applicants will be promptly notified of the results of the selection process.

16. Deadline of application:

Ends as soon as applicants are admitted

17. Inquiries and Email address to send applications:

National Institute of Informatics
To Isao Echizen, National Institute of Informatics
Email: iechizen (at)  please replace (at) with @


Inter-University Research Institute Corporation
Research Organization of Information and Systems
Director Masaru Kitsuregawa

19. Miscellaneous:

  • Any questions shall be asked to the email address above.
  • We will use the personal information submitted in this recruitment only for the purpose of screening of the application. We will destroy all personal information after application. Please note that personal information of the hired staff will be used for recruitment procedures such as personnel affairs, labor, salary-related processing, and various procedures in the office.
  • NII actively promotes female researchers as a part of gender equality. In this recruitment, women will be actively hired if they are found to be equivalent in their performance (research achievements, educational achievements, social contributions, etc.).

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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 8 Jobs
  • Location Japan