Call for English Contract Full-time Lecturer

Shokutaku (contract full-time) lecturer to teach English for Academic Purposes (EAP), Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) courses ranging from basic to advanced levels and other English courses.

Work content and job description

a. Teaching:
Basically eight 100-minute classes a week teaching in the Center for Language Education and Research (The earliest class starts at 8:00).
b. Other duties:
Committees, curriculum development and other duties required by the center

Assigned department

Center for Language Education and Research

Job type

Lecturer level


Annual Salary : 4 million yen ~

Your salary will be based on Sophia University’s rules and regulations.

Working hours

Working hours :09:00-19:00

Break time :12:35-13:30


Education and Degree Requirements

  • Ph.D. / Doctor / Master
  • M.A. and above and capable of teaching EAP and CLIL courses


The applicant must fulfill the following qualifications:
1.Understanding of the University’s educational philosophy based on Catholicism
2.M.A. and above and capable of teaching EAP and CLIL courses
3.Native or near-native English proficiency
4.Teaching experience at an institute of higher education preferable
5.Applicant is able to carry out individual duties such as lectures and research but also exhibits collaborative teamwork capabilities and commitment to faculty administrative duties, among these entrance examination related duties and other duties/activities on behalf of the Center for Language Education and Research.
6.Applicant is able to carry out administrative duties required by Sophia University.

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