Full-time EAP/ESP teaching positions

Opening for one contract full-time EAP/ESP teaching positions (Assistant Professor, specialization in TESOL / Applied Linguistics) at the College of Business, Rikkyo University.

The Bilingual Business Leader Program serves as the foundation program for the Global Business Department of the College of Business at Rikkyo University. The two-year core program utilizes a project-based content integrated approach to prepare students for English mediated study.

1. Positions available: Contract Assistant Professor (Jokyo A)

2. Faculty: College of Business, Bilingual Business Leader Program (BBL)

3. Duties: Teaching, research, assistance with admission examinations, faculty administration duties, and other tasks requested by the Dean or BBL Program Director

4. Field of Research: English Education (Applied Linguistics, TESOL, EAP)

5. Content of work:
1) To teach 6-7 classes a week, four days a week (Classes to teach: Overseas EAP, EAP 1, EAP 2, ESP)
2) To make a three to four-day overseas business trip in summer or winter as required
3) Carry out research activities which support the program and faculty
4) To work on other matters as requested by the BBL Program Director

6. Starting date: September 1, 2024

7. Term of Employment: One-year contract (Renewable annually for up to five years)

8. Qualifications:
1) Ph.D. Applied Linguistics / Education / TESOL or doing research to obtain a doctorate
2) Demonstrated capability to contribute to research that informs the BBL program (including peer-reviewed journal articles, chapters, books, or theses)
3) Native speaker or equivalent level of English (i.e., CEFR C2 level or higher)
4) Demonstrated experience of instruction at the university level, specifically for EAP/ESP and content-integrated learning (preferably within EMI preparation programs)
5) Demonstrated experience with materials development and design, specifically for EAP and content-integrated learning (preferably within EMI preparation programs)
6) Experience researching EMI (English-Medium Instruction) or related fields (e.g., EAP, content-integrated learning) is desirable
7) Experience teaching at a university in Japan is desirable
※ There is no age limit; however, the retirement age is 65 years old

9. Compensation:
Conditions of employment are determined by the University’s regulations.
Salary: 6,800,000 yen (annual amount before deductions)
This position is ineligible for bonuses.

10. Selection method: Document review, followed by interviews and teaching/materials demonstrations for short-listed candidates
※ Short-listed candidates will be emailed to schedule a time for an interview and teaching demonstration during the last week of May

11. Documents to be submitted: The following documents (1) to (4) should be consolidated into one PDF file (in order), and submitted by email, with the subject title “Contract Full-Time English Teaching Position (Assistant Professor, Bilingual Business Leader Program).”

Please send it to the Administration Office of the College of Business [cob-saiyou@rikkyo.ac.jp] with your application letter within the email text:

1) Resume or CV (please specify contact information, e-mail address, teaching history, specific courses and experiences related to EAP / ESP / CLIL / EMI preparation using the document specified below)
2) Research achievement list with a link to the full text version of at least two peer-reviewed publications (please divide according to achievement, such as theses, books, edited books, peer reviewed papers, book chapters etc. using the document specified below)
3) Name, affiliation, contact information (telephone, E-mail address, etc.) of two referees
4) Research goals as a member of the Bilingual Business leader team, specifically addressing how your activities may contribute towards the development of the BBL program (Maximum length 500 words)

※ Note: Please download and use the Rikkyo University curriculum vitae form attached below for (1) and (2), where the research achievement list should be entered in the “book and academic paper list” on the third page of the resume form.

12. Deadline for applications: May 15, 2024 (Wednesday)
* Any personal information submitted will only be used for the faculty appointment procedure.
* Documents will not be returned but will be disposed of according to Rikkyo private document processes.

13. Inquiries: Please contact the Administration Office of the College of Business [cob-saiyou@rikkyo.ac.jp]

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  • Total Jobs 2 Jobs
  • Location Japan