Full-time tenured English position, Seikei University, Tokyo

Job Expired

Work details: research, teaching and admin. Courses to teach: English subjects in the faculty and in the general liberal arts curriculum, classes related to your expertise through EMI, English courses in advanced programs. Qualification requirements: At least MA, English-level proficiency.

Job details:

Please see the link for more details: https://www.seikei.ac.jp/gakuen/target/recruit/university.html

Scheduled hiring date: April 1, 2025

Deadline:  Thursday, February 29, 2024
Contact details: https://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail/Changelang?id=D124012180&lang=1

  • Seikei University is currently aiming to launch the Faculty of Global Interdisciplinary Studies in April 2026.https://www.seikei.ac.jp/university/news_topics/2023/15949.html
  • Work content and job description

    【Field of expertise】
    English, intercultural communication studies, English education, (applied) linguistics, English literature and literature in the English language, and other fields related to English

    【Work details】
    (2)Teaching undergraduate students
    (3)Education and research supervision for students
    (4)Administrative duties of English subjects in university-wide education subjects (Seikei Liberal Arts Curriculum), etc.
    (5)Other duties related to the university’s English and global education (study abroad, etc.)
    (6)Other faculty and university administrative duties

    【Courses to teach】
    Scheduled to teach from the following categories, with a focus on subjects related to English and intercultural communication studies.
    (1)English subjects in the faculty
    (2)English subjects in the general liberal arts curriculum (e.g. Listening & Speaking, Reading & Writing, and other elective subjects)
    (3)Interdisciplinary global subjects (teaching classes related to your own expertise through EMI (English Medium Instruction) as e.g. Special Seminar) and English courses in advanced programs.

  • Assigned department

    Newly established departments

    Faculty of Global Interdisciplinary Studies (tentative name)

    Date of new establishment : Scheduled to launch in April 2026

    Precautions : *You will be in a post directly under the president in 2025, until the faculty is officially launched in 2026.

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  • Total Jobs 1 Jobs
  • Location Japan