ICYS Research Fellow, NIMS, Japan
The International Center for Young Scientists (ICYS) of the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) invites applications for ICYS Research Fellow positions. ICYS will offer you a great opportunity to conduct independent and self-directed research in various areas of materials science with full access to NIMS advanced research facilities.
The common language at ICYS is English. Clerical and technical support in English will be given by the ICYS staff. A research grant of 2 million yen per year will be provided to each Research Fellow. Also, advantage is given when applying to NIMS permanent researcher position (about 50% of the applicants are accepted).
The annual salary is over 6 million yen*, which is the top class in Japan. The initial contract term is 3 years, which can be renewed up to 5 years based on annual evaluation**.
All applicants must have obtained a PhD degree within the last 10 years. Applicants should submit the following 5 items: CV, application form including a research proposal in ICYS, PhD Certificate, PDF files of three significant publications, and list of DOI of journal publications to the ICYS Recruitment Desk by March 26, 2025 JST. The formats for the application documents can be downloaded from our website. The selection will be made on the basis of originality and quality of the research proposal as well as the research achievements. Please visit our website for more details.
*Approximately 23% of annual salary will be deducted as social insurance premium, residence tax and income tax.
**If the applicant is already in NIMS as a non-permanent researcher (Post doc et al.), the max contract term depends on work experience at NIMS.
ICYS Recruitment Desk
National Institute for Materials Science
More Information
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