Job Opening: Full-time English Language Instructor (Assistant Professor)

Job Expired

Job description

Background of the recruitment and description of the project

Center for Education of Global Communication (CEGLOC) at the University of Tsukuba is Job Opening: Full-time English Language Instructor (Assistant Professor)

Work content and job description

(1) Teaching 6 classes (75 minutes each) per week of common courses (English) at CEGLOC
(2) Various duties related to CEGLOC education
(3) Duties related to international co-learning courses and overseas language training (study abroad programs)
(4) Operation of the Academic Writing Support Desk
(5) Duties related to university-wide entrance examinations (English subject)

Assigned department

Existing departments

The Center for Education of Global Communication (CEGLOC)

Job type

Assistant Professor level

Research field

Humanities & Social Sciences – Foreign language education
Humanities & Social Sciences – English linguistics


Annual Salary : 6 million yen ~ 6 million yen

Working hours

Working hours :08:30-17:15

Break time :12:15-13:15

Holidays : Sundays, Saturdays, National Holidays, December 29 – January 3

Overtime and other explanations : Discretionary work system (deemed working hours: 8 hours per day, flexible start/end times and break periods at employee’s discretion)

Application requirements


Education and Degree Requirements


Master’s degree or higher

Work experience

Sufficient Japanese language ability to perform required duties

Official qualification in specific field, etc.

Experience in teaching English at university level (or equivalent level)


(1) Native English speaker or equivalent English language proficiency
(2) Master’s degree or higher
(3) Experience in teaching English at university level (or equivalent level)
(4) Sufficient Japanese language ability to perform required duties

Employment Type

Regular employee


Contract period

Nontenured – Non-tenure track

3 years, plus 2 additional years based on a renewal assessment (non-tenure track) * For candidates with previous employment history at the University of Tsukuba (e.g. part-time, TA, TF), the term may be shortened in accordance with the regulations of the university.

Probationary period absent

Work location

305-8577 Ibaraki Tsukuba Tennodai1-1-1

The Center for Education of Global Communication (CEGLOC)


Various systems

Transportation expenses : available


Employees’ Pension Insurance : available

Supplementary explanation of compensation

* Per university policy.
* The annual salary system is applied; a commutation allowance is paid in addition.
* Work hours: Discretionary Labor System based on 8 hours working hours in a day
*Other: Participation in National Public Service Mutual Aid Employment insurance available

Application Considerations

Number of hired

1 person(s)

Hiring date : 2025/04/01

Starting date : 2025/04/01

Job content supplemental explanation

1. Position Title
Assistant Professor (Special Appointment), One position

2. Field of Research
English Language Education, Applied Linguistics, and related fields in English Education

3. Employment Status
Full-time, Fixed-term (3 years, renewable once for 2 years upon review, maximum total of 5 years)

4. Responsibilities
(1) Teaching 6 classes (75 minutes each) per week of common courses (English) at CEGLOC
(2) Various duties related to CEGLOC education
(3) Duties related to international co-learning courses and overseas language training (study abroad programs)
(4) Operation of the Academic Writing Support Desk
(5) Duties related to university-wide entrance examinations (English subject)

5. Qualifications
(1) Native English speaker or equivalent English language proficiency
(2) Master’s degree or higher
(3) Experience in teaching English at university level (or equivalent level)
(4) Sufficient Japanese language ability to perform required duties

Application period

2024/11/07~2024/12/23 Deadline for receipt

Application method

Attached documents
Application Form : Online Submission
Achievements and Activities : Online Submission
List at least 3 and no more than 5 research achievements in the last 5 years

Other online application forms
(1) Curriculum Vitae (Form No. 3)
(2) List of Research Achievements (Form No.4)
Include 3-5 research achievements from the past 5 years
(3) List of Educational/Practical/Professional Achievements (past 5 years) (Form No. 5)
(4) Plans and Aspirations for Education and Research (Form No. 6)
(5) Complete List of Research Achievements (Designated Form)
(6) Copies of publications listed in (2) (photocopies acceptable)
(7) Abstracts of publications listed in (2) (free format)
(Within 800 characters in Japanese or 400 words in English)
(8) Consent form for handling and transfer of personal data under EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
(Required for residents in the European Economic Area member states and the UK)
(9) Self-Declaration Form for Specific Categories (University designated form)
(10) Document including the following (free format):
a) Applicant’s phone number and email address
b) Contact information for two references (name, affiliation/title, phone number, email address)

Note: Forms (1)-(5), (8), and (9) must use the designated formats.
Forms and sample entries can be downloaded from:

Return of application documents

We will dispose of all application documents responsibly.

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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 4 Jobs
  • Location Japan