Lecturer level : Contract employee / Nontenured / Non-tenure track / Probationary period absent
Job description
Background of the recruitment and description of the project
The Bunkyo English Communication Center (BECC) at Hiroshima Bunkyo University (HBU) was founded in 2008 and currently employs a diverse team of 11 full-time educational staff: 9 teachers and 2 learning advisors. Our current staff consists of 5 female and 6 male lecturers from America, Australia, Canada, Japan, The Philippines, and The UK.
The Self-Access Learning Center (SALC) at the BECC provides self-access language learning services and resources to all HBU students. The SALC has one full-time Learning Advisor position available from April 2024.
Work content and job description
Learning Advisors are principally responsible for providing advising services to learners and working collaboratively with other members of the SALC team to develop materials and educational programs to improve students’ autonomous learning skills and generally raise student awareness of the SALC’s services.
Advising in language learning involves the practices and processes of developing learner autonomy among language learners. Learning advisors typically work with students in English and Japanese in one-to-one meetings to help students develop skills to reach their English goals.
1) Advise students experiencing learning problems
2) Participate in two 90-minute SALC lounge duty periods per week (or equivalent)
3) Teach four 90-minute periods per week (or equivalent)
4) Provide learner support by developing and maintaining a good understanding of the resources and facilities the SALC has to offer and the broader BECC curriculum
5) Train teachers and students in using the SALC facilities and organize and run SALC workshops and other educational programs or events
6) Select new resources, materials, and equipment in consultation with the SALC Coordinator
7) Promote materials in the SALC and work actively to encourage staff and student use of SALC facilities
8) Participate in the SALC materials design, creation, and renewal project to provide useful and relevant self-access instructional materials
9) Participate actively in external and internal PR activities
10) Fulfil research requirements as a member of the BECC SALC (i.e., to undertake research which helps to inform, develop, or evaluate aspects of the program) -
Assigned department
Existing departments
Bunkyo English Communication Center
Date of new establishment : 2008
Job type
- Lecturer level
Research field
- Humanities & Social Sciences – Foreign language education
- Annual Salary : 5 million yen ~
Working hours
- Working hours :09:00-17:00
Holidays : Holiday periods are national holidays, summer vacation period, winter vacation period and spring vacation period.
Application requirements
Education and Degree Requirements
MA, MEd, or MSc in the area of education, linguistics or a similar field.
This job is open to both native English speakers and Japanese nationals.
– Native ability or minimum CEFR B2 (Eiken Pre-1 level) in English (REQUIRED)
– Native or minimum CEFR B1 (JLPT N2 level) in Japanese (REQUIRED)
– Demonstrated strong interest in the field of learner autonomy, self-access language learning, language advising, coaching or learner development (REQUIRED)
– Experience in the field of learner autonomy, self-access language learning, language advising, coaching or learner development (STRONGLY PREFERRED)
– Experience as a teacher or in a similar classroom-based role (PREFERRED)
– A qualification or certificate related to English language teaching (CELTA, TEFL etc.) (PREFERRED)
Employment Type
- Contract employee
Contract period
- Nontenured – Non-tenure track
The position is for an initial two-year period. After the first contract, there may be an option to renew for a further three years subject to a performance review.
Probationary period absent
Work location
- 731-0295 Hiroshima Hiroshima Bunkyo University Kabehigashi 1-2-1, Asakitaku, Hiroshima
Various systems
Bonus : Bonuses are paid at the end of September and March. Bonuses are included in the annual salary stated above.
Transportation expenses : Available
Others : Relocation allowance available.
Employees’ Health Insurance : Mandatory enrollment in the Private School Mutual Aid (shigaku kyosai) system.
Employees’ Pension Insurance : Mandatory enrollment in the Private School Mutual Aid (shigaku kyosai) system.
Employment insurance : Mandatory enrollment in the Private School Mutual Aid (shigaku kyosai) system.
Supplementary explanation of compensation
Annual individual research budget available.
Application Considerations
Considerations for conducting interviews (e.g., those who live far away, such as overseas)
Online interviews are available at all stages of the interview process.
Please note that additional documents will be requested from candidates selected for interview. Interviewees will be required to answer questions in both English and Japanese.
Number of hired
1 person(s)
Hiring date : 2024/04/01
Starting date : 2024/04/01
Application period
2024/01/12~2024/01/28 Deadline for receipt
Application method
Application documents (specified forms)
Attached documents
Application Form : Online SubmissionApplicants should complete the attached application form and send it as a PDF to becclecturer@h-bunkyo.ac.jp. The application includes the following sections:1) Professional and academic history
2) Educational philosophy
3) Suitability for the post
4) Referees
After screening of documents, an interview will be conducted online or in person depending on the applicant’s place of residence and preference.
Notification of result
Selected candidates will be contacted by email by 17:00 JST on Friday, February 2nd, 2024 and invited to initial interviews.
Contact details
Hiroshima Bunkyo University
Bunkyo English Communication Center
Recruitment committee
More Information
- Address Hiroshima, Japan
- Qualification Masters USD Month