Full-time English language lecturer – Apply by Dec. 6th

Job description

Background of the recruitment and description of the project

Position: Full-time English lecturer (In the case of assistant professors, the contract for one term is three years and can be renewed once for a total of six years maximum.)

Work content and job description

Classes to be taught: Core courses (English I-VIII), TOEFL & TOEIC preparation courses, English Communication I, II and proctoring.

Assigned department

Existing departments

College of International Relations

Job type

Professor level
Associate Professor
Lecturer level
Assistant Professor level


Research field

Humanities & Social Sciences – English linguistics
Others – Others



Professor level

Annual Salary : 4 million yen ~

Associate Professor

Annual Salary : 4 million yen ~

Lecturer level

Annual Salary : 4 million yen ~

Assistant Professor level

Annual Salary : 4 million yen ~

Others – 研究所教授

Annual Salary : 4 million yen ~

Working hours

Professor level

Working hours :09:00-18:10

Associate Professor

Working hours :09:00-18:10

Lecturer level

Working hours :09:00-18:10

Assistant Professor level

Working hours :09:00-18:10

Others – 研究所教授

Working hours :09:00-18:10

Application requirements


Education and Degree Requirements

Ph.D. / Doctor / Master

A Master’s degree or higher


[Details of required special expertise, qualification of the specific fields or degrees, etc.]
1) A Master’s degree or higher in TESOL, Applied Linguistics, or related areas.
2) A minimum of 1-year teaching experience at university level or equivalent.
3) A foreign national whose native language is English or who has equivalent English proficiency.
4) Have at least two publications.
5) Applicants must hold a valid visa.
6) Must be able to live in Mishima City or the suburbs of Mishima City after employment.
7)Daily conversation level Japanese is desirable

Employment Type

Professor level

Regular employee

Associate Professor

Regular employee

Lecturer level

Regular employee

Assistant Professor level

Regular employee

Others – 研究所教授

Regular employee

Contract period

Professor level

Tenured – Non-tenure track


Probationary period absent

Associate Professor

Tenured – Non-tenure track


Probationary period absent

Lecturer level

Tenured – Non-tenure track

Probationary period absent

Assistant Professor level

Nontenured – Non-tenure track

In the case of assistant professors, the contract for one term is three years and can be renewed once for a total of six years maximum.

Probationary period absent

Others – 研究所教授

Nontenured – Non-tenure track

1 year

Probationary period absent

Work location

411-8555 Shizuoka 2-31-145 Bunkyocho, Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture


Supplementary explanation of compensation

Salary will be determined in accordance with the University’s employment regulations.
Employment insurance, workers’ accident compensation insurance, health insurance, and pension are provided.

Application Considerations

Number of hired

1 person(s)

Hiring date : 2025/04/01

Starting date : 2025/04/01

Job content supplemental explanation

[Explanation of institution (recruitment background, institution details, explanation of project, etc.)]
College of International Relations, Nihon University
[Job details (duties, subject responsible for, etc.)]
Position: Full-time English lecturer (In the case of assistant professors, the contract for one term is three years and can be renewed once for a total of six years maximum.)
Classes to be taught: Core English courses, TOEFL & TOEIC preparation, English Communication I, II, and proctoring.
[Address of work location and other information]
2-31-145 Bunkyocho, Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture
[Available positions (Job title, number of positions, etc.)]
One full-time lecturer
[Starting date]
April 1, 2025

Application period

2024/11/07~2024/12/06 Deadline for receipt

Application method

Application documents (specified forms)

Attached documents
Application Form : Mailing
Achievements and Activities : Mailing

Return of application documents

We will dispose of all application documents responsibly.

Application document submission method (physically mailed documents)

411-8555 Shizuoka Nihon University College of International Relations, 2-31-145 Bunkyo-cho, Mishima-shi, Shizuoka-ken
Mr. Hiromitsu Nakamura, Administrative Affairs 宛

JREC-IN Portal web application
Not available
E-mail Application
Not available
Recruiting Institution’s Web application system
Not available

URL of this job posting

Selection / Notification of result


Successful applicants will be contacted about interview dates via email. Please note that transportation expenses will NOT be reimbursed.

Notification of result

[Application method (Application documents. Submission methods of Postal mail, e-mail, Web application (including description for using JREC-IN Portal “Web application” function) etc./ Where to send documents such as address, e-mail address, etc.)]
*e-mail submission WILL NOT be accepted.
1) Curriculum Vitae with a photo attached and e-mail address included
2) List of publications and research/educational activities
3) Copies of 2 publications
4) A statement of what the applicant can contribute to the English program based on teaching philosophy, experience and accomplishments (one A4 page in English)
5) A photocopy of the applicant’s final degree certificate/diploma
6) A letter of recommendation (university professor level)

[Selection process (selection method and hiring decision), notification of result]
Successful applicants will be contacted about interview dates via email. Please note that transportation expenses will NOT be reimbursed.
[Notification of the result]
The successful candidate will be notified directly by email or phone following the interview.
[Contact details (department, official position, name, e-mail address, and phone number of the responsible person)] * Important
Mr. Hiromitsu Nakamura, Administrative Affairs,
Nihon University College of International Relations, 2-31-145 Bunkyo-cho, Mishima-shi, Shizuoka-ken, 411-8555; (Phone) 055-980-0801
Please Note: Applications should be sent by Registered Mail (Kakitome). Please label your envelope, “Application for English Teaching Position (Full-time)” in red lettering. During the screening process, the selection committee may contact applicants by phone or email for further information. Application documents will NOT be returned. Personal information received through this application process will not be used for any other purposes.

Contact details

Nihon University

Administrative Affairs

Hiromitsu Nakamura



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