Opening of Project Assistant Professor Position at Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo

Job Expired

1 Job Title and number of job positions
A few Project Assistant Professors
2 Contract period
The earliest possible date after April 1, 2025 ~ March 31, 2026
3 Contract renew
Contract can be renewed depending on the budget situation, business necessity, and evaluation of work performance. The renew will be held every year. The maximum period is March 31, 2028.
4 Probation Period
14 days after the appointment
5 Place of work
Center for Nuclear Study, the Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo (CNS in RIKEN, Hirosawa2-1, Wako-shi, Saitama)
(Scope of Change) The faculty member will be assigned to the place designated by the University (In principle, the faculty member will not be reassigned or transferred against his/her will. For details, please refer to Article 4 of the Regulations Concerning the Employment of University of Tokyo Faculty Members.)
6 Affiliation
Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo
7 Contents of Work Duties
Heavy-ion nuclear physics
The appointed person will carry out research on nuclear physics and astro-nuclear physics using CNS core research facilities (CRIB, SHARAQ, OEDO, etc.) at the RIKEN Accelerator Facility, ultra-low energy fundamental physics research, and quark physics research using high-energy heavy-ion collisions (LHC-ALICE experiment), etc, in collaboration with staff members in CNS.
(Scope of Change) May order reassignment, dual assignment, or secondment. (In principle, the faculty member will not be reassigned or transferred against his/her will. (For details, please refer to Article 4 of the Regulations Concerning the Employment of University of Tokyo Faculty Members.)
8 Working hours
Discretionary work system for professional work applies and working hours will be deemed as 7 hours and 45 minutes per day
9 Days off and Leave
Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays, and the year-end and New Year holidays (December 29 to January 3) Annual Paid Leave, Special Leave, etc
10 Wages, etc
An annual salary system will be applied, including performance and achievement allowances, as determined by the University of Tokyo. Appointee may be able to have commuting allowance (up to 55K JPY per month) if the payment conditions are satisfied.
11 Insurance
You will be enrolled in the insurance from the Mutual Aid Association of MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) and Employment Insurance by being provided for in the law
12 Eligibility
Holder of a doctoral degree, or those who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree by the time of appointment
13 Application Documents
Please prepare application documents in PDF format.
1)Curriculum Vitae with the standard CV format of the UTokyo
2)Research history and research achievements list
3)Research plans
4)Name, job title, address, and e-mail address of the person who can ask for opinions about the applicant
14 Application submission
Please send an email to if you would like to apply, as each individual will be provided with a URL and password for uploading their application documents.
15 Application deadline
January 20 (Monday), 2025. 17:00
Interviews will be conducted for successful applicants after screening of documents. Only those candidates scheduled for interviews will be contacted regarding the interview process. Interviews will be conducted in person, but we will conduct interviews online for applicants from distant locations, such as overseas research institutions. Please note that transportation, accommodation, and communication expenses for the interview will be at your own expense.
16 Inquiries
Prof. Yasuhiro Sakemi, Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo
Tel: 048-464-4048、email
17 Name of Recruiter
The University of Tokyo
18 State of working measures to avoid passive smoking
Smoking is prohibited inside the grounds of our university.
We have smoking areas outdoors.
19 Others
Personal information received through this application process will not be used for any other purposes.
Applications from women are encouraged as per “Declaration of Gender Equality Acceleration” of the University of Tokyo.
During the period of employment, sharing controlled technology to you may be prohibited by FEFTA and it may become difficult to achieve your job as a faculty or a staff member of the University if you are under the control of a foreign government, corporation or university by contract, or under the control of a foreign government by economic interests. In such a case, you need to keep the contract or interests within the range that does not incur such restrictions.
Please be aware that during selection, we will check your history of disciplinary actions for sexual harassment, sexual violence, etc. against students.

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