Part-time instructors for undergraduate general English courses (advanced level), Doshisha University (Kyoto City)


The Center for Liberal Arts Education at Doshisha University is looking for part-time instructors to teach a twice-weekly proficiency-streamed English course entitled Intensive Advanced English.


From April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026 (1 year contract)
*However, the contract may be renewed after the end of the contract period.

Salary and benefits: approximately 57,600 yen per month (when teaching twice a week); transportation covered according to the university regulation

1st period: 9:00-10:30
2nd period: 10:45-12:15
3rd period: 13:10-14:40
4th period: 14:55-16:25

M.A. (preferably in a TESOL-related field) received before April 1st, 2022 Experience teaching English at an accredited university
At least 2 academic publications
Applicants should not be actively enrolled in a university degree program.

Currently, there are the following three openings:

Mon (1st period) and Wed (4th period)
Intensive Advanced English 1-534 (Faculty of Commerce students) , Spring
Intensive Advanced English 2-534(Faculty of Commerce students), Fall

Mon (1st period) and Wed (4th period)
Intensive Advanced English 1-536 (Faculty of Commerce students), Spring
Intensive Advanced English 2-536 (Faculty of Commerce students), Fall

Mon (2nd period) and Tue (3rd period)
Intensive Advanced English 2-518 (Faculty of Law students), Fall only



Friday, February 28, 2025

41 days remaining


Contact details:

How to apply:
If you would like to apply, please send your CV in the required Excel format (available to download from the link below) as an attachment to and indicate your teaching availability within the body of the email. CVs will be reviewed as they are received and suitable candidates will be contacted to arrange an interview. Therefore, early submissions are encouraged.

(CV format and samples) QWrzfx9

Contact details:
Satoshi Mizutani (smizutan[AT], Director of the Doshisha English Language Program

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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 15 Jobs
  • Location Japan