PhD Candidate job with Kanazawa University

PhD/master’s Candidate

Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative, Kanazawa University is seeking candidates for PhD and master’s students in the fields of Lifescience and Biotechnology, Neuroscience, Chemistry and Applied Chemistry, Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering, Archaeology, or Cognitive Science.

Challenge Scientific and Technological Innovation through fusion of disciplines

The Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative is a graduate program that focuses on “fusion of disciplines” to create a new academic discipline by fusing multiple fields of expertise. There are two divisions according to the spread of the fusion of disciplines; Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences and Division of Nano Life Science.

Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences

The Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences aims to create new scientific fields by various types of fusion of disciplines such as the fusion of humanities and science & engineering, the fusion of humanities and medicine, and the fusion of engineering and health science.

The research filed of the faculty members are widespread, including archeology, economics, cognitive science, medicine, pharmaceutical science, health sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, biotechnology, mechanical engineering, and electronics. While making use of their own specialized fields, they are actively involved in other fields and aim to create new academic fields and science and technology.

Division of Nano Life Science

The focus is on the fusion of disciplines to elucidate life phenomena occurring at the nanometer scale. We are working on a wide range of research topics from basic research to applied research. Basic research involves further developing nanometrology using scanning probe microscopy, such as atomic force microscopy, by combining it with supramolecular chemistry to elucidate biological phenomena through imaging of living cells and single-molecule imaging of proteins, and applied research involves cancer diagnosis and treatment. The educational program is deeply supported by the Nano Life Science Institute, Kanazawa University, which is one of the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI).

*Please check the following URL for more information.

Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative website:

*Related websites:

Kanazawa University:

Nano LSI:


    • Highly motivated and skilled candidates with knowledge of either Bioscience and Biotechnology, Neuroscience, Chemistry and Applied Chemistry, Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering, Archaeology, or Cognitive Science.


    • Excellent communication in English or Japanese. For a PhD candidate, master’s degree obtained or expected to be. For a master’s candidate, bachelor’s degree obtained or expected to be.




Kanazawa University is reinforcing support for aspiring students of the PhD Level Section of Integrated Course / PhD  Course, thus fostering and nurturing research personnel with a doctoral degree who will be the seed of advancement of Science and Technology and innovation in Japan and around the world, and be responsible for creating a future society. For information on Kanazawa University Strategic Project for Development of PhD  Students and Research Promotion with financial support for FY2024, please see below.


[Financial support]

Students who have difficulty paying tuition for financial reasons and whose academic performance is recognized as excellent may apply for a full or half tuition waiver.

Tuition Fee


LocZEE program

Human Resource Development Program for Locally Producible and Usable Zero Emission Energy program

An aim of this program is to realize a low-carbon society, by local production / consumption and zero emission energy supply. Students study mainly Chemistry, Energy-related chemistry, Energy-related material sciences, and Nano-sciences.

Refer to the following URL though the application for October 2024 enrollment had been closed. Applications guideline in October 2025 will be posted on our website around November 2024.

Admission Period

October 2024 and April 2025 (#Excluding candidates for 2024 MEXT Scholarship)

How to apply for

Applicants are required to

-Be direct contact with a prospective supervisor they prefer and obtain his/her prior approval to study and research under his/her guidance.

 -Send an email with the following documents attached to the prospective supervisor.

1. A cover letter including your research interests and training

2. Your detailed CV

-Apply for our office by “Web application system.” More details can be found at the following URL.

Faculty members

#Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences

#Division of Nano life Science


Emails to Graduate School Affairs Section.

==>Click here to read more.

More Information