Postdoc / Postdoctoral Researcher job with National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)

Micro-/nano-mechanical characterisation of metallic and ceramic materials. The successful candidate will study fundamental deformation processes at the extreme conditions (e.g. cryogenic or hot) of application of several engineering materials. Strain mapping techniques (elastic or total, mainly in SEM or TEM) will be applied and furthered to gain greater insight into the mechanisms studied. During the work, a short stay in the UK is also planned in connection with international collaborations.

The applicant should already (or is expected to) have a Ph.D degree in the field of materials science, mechanics or related areas. In particular, experience in operating small scale mechanical testing in situ in electron microscopes or comparable environments, sample fabrication by focused ion beam, or in studying deformation processes using sub-micron resolution strain mapping techniques, is highly desirable. The candidate, motivated for a career in scientific research, will be expected to apply for fellowships to progressively build their research independence within the group, with the support and mentoring of NIMS researchers.

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