Postdoctoral Scholar – Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Complex Fluids and Flows Unit

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Complex Fluids and Flows Unit

Position Description

The Complex Fluids and Flows Unit (CFF, led by Prof. Marco Rosti at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) is seeking to recruit few Postdoctoral Scholars. The CFF Unit carries research in fluid dynamics making use of direct numerical simulations. Highly motivated candidates are welcome to join our team in order to study one of the following topics:

•turbulent multiphase flows;

•non-Newtonian fluids;

•fluid-structure interaction problems.


•Perform innovative research in the context given above.

•Publish the results in high-quality journals.

•Present the results at national and international conferences.



•PhD (awarded or imminent) in a relevant discipline with major in Fluid Mechanics, e.g. mechanical, aeronautical, chemical engineering or physics.

•Experience in numerical simulations of multiphase flows, non-Newtonian fluids, or fluid-structure interaction problems.

•Proficiency in written and spoken English.


•Knowledge of Fortran.

•Experience in High-Performance Computing.

Starting Date:
Autumn/Winter 2024

Full-time, fixed term appointment for 2 years. Contract initially with 3-month probationary period (inclusive). This contract may be renewed.

Working hours:
9:00-17:30 (Discretionary)

Submission Documents:

•Cover letter (English)

•Curriculum vitae (English)

•Names and contact information of 3-5 referees, one of which should be a previous employer

* Prior to the start of employment all new hires are required to successfully complete a background check. Personal information including employment history and academic background should be submitted to third-party administrators after a conditional offer of employment.

Compensation & Benefits:
In accordance with the OIST Employee Compensation Regulations

•Relocation, housing and commuting allowances
•Annual paid leave and summer holidays
•Health insurance (Private School Mutual Aid)
•Welfare pension insurance (kousei-nenkin)
•Worker’s accident compensation insurance (roudousha-saigai-hoshou-hoken)
•Access to Child Development Center
•Access to Schooling Options
•Language Education
•Resource Center (Daily Life Support in Okinawa)

Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Three references (actual letters acceptable but not required, just names and email addresses help popup)

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