Recruitment of Specially Appointed Assistant Professor (English Lecturer)

1. Affiliation: International Education Center

2. Main Duties
(1) Teaching English courses in liberal arts education.
(2) Developing of teaching materials used in English language classes.
(3) Verify teaching methods and educational outcomes of English courses and formulate improvement plans.
(4) Assist in services related to English language education provided by the International Education Center.

3. Positions and Personnel
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor (English Lecturer) 1

4. Term of Employment
1 year, renewable for up to 3 years
(If the employment period ends in the middle of a fiscal year, it can be renewed until the end of the fiscal year in which
three years have elapsed.)

5. Application Requirements

  • (1) Those who have the Japanese and English language skills necessary for managing a class.
  • (2) Applicants must have completed a bachelor’s degree or higher (including equivalent degrees conferred in foreign
    countries) and have the educational abilities appropriate for university education.
  • (3) Applicants must be enthusiastic about English education, understand and share Iwate University’s educational and administrative policies, and have the cooperative spirit to contribute as a member of the team.
    *Experience in the job description in “Main Duties” is desirable.
    *TESOL (Teaching English to Speaker of Other Languages) certification is preferred.
    Iwate University is promoting diversity and is taking the following measures to increase and retain a diverse group of
    Efforts to Promote the Employment of Female Instructors
    Priority will be given to women (in cases where performance and qualification evaluations are deemed equal).
    If you have taken maternity leave, childcare leave, or family care leave, it will be taken into account in the selection process
    (regardless of gender, but please specify the period of leave in your resume). However, the period of leave taken must be clearly indicated on the resume).
    *Support will be provided as needed through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Initiative for Realization of a Diverse Research Environment “Female Leader Development Type”:

6. Start Date
April 1, 2024 (or as soon thereafter as possible)

7. Benefits
Working hours: Working hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
Break time: 12:00 – 13:00
*If classes are held from 10:30 a.m. to 12:10 p.m., the break time may be changed as long as it is within the prescribed
working hours. If classes are held from 4:50 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., the working hours may also be changed accordingly.
In addition, the working hours and break time may be changed for purposes relating to the above-mentioned duties.
Salary and allowances: 300,000 yen per month (annual salary. The amount obtained by dividing the annual salary
including bonus, etc. by 12 is paid monthly.)

Travel allowance:
According to Article 22-24 of the “Employment Regulations for Contract Employees of National University Corporation, Iwate University.
Insurance: Unemployment insurance, social insurance (Mutual Aid Association of the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology), worker’s accident compensation insurance
Holidays: Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays
Accommodation: Available (for single or family use, rent is approx. 8,000-74,000 yen)

8. Application Documents
As a general rule, submit all paper in A4 size, except for reprints, etc.
(1) Resume (must begin from high school graduation and be signed) (written in Japanese)
(2) List of Achievements (attached form) (written in Japanese)
(3) Aspirations for the Job (teaching English) described in “Main Duties” (about 1 A4-size page to be written in English)
(4) List of work history (if applicable) and summary of work history for the job described in “Main Duties”
(5) Affiliation, name, and contact information of 2 persons who we may contact to inquire about the applicant

9. Selection Method
(1) First round: screening of documents
(2) Second round: presentation and interview (travel and accommodation expenses to be borne by the applicant)
Face-to-face interviews will be scheduled, but may be conducted online.

10. Application Deadline
Must arrive no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 5, 2024

11. Submission of Application Documents and Inquiries

Application documents will be accepted by email.

Please send your application as a PDF file attached to an e-mail (10MB or less) to the address to which you are applying.
The subject line of the e-mail should read “Application for a specially-appointed faculty position at the International
Education Center”. Books and other documents that cannot be attached by e-mail should be mailed to the “Inquiries”
address below.

We will reply to your e-mail within 3 days after receiving your documents. If you do not receive a reply, please contact

Application address: (

Contact information (for inquiries)
3-18-34 Ueda, Morioka-shi, Iwate 020-8550
Yoko Matsuoka, Director, International Education Center, Iwate University
tel: +81-19-621-6867 (019-621-6867)

12. Other
Personal information contained in the application documents will not be used for any purpose other than selection and
We will not be able to answer any inquiries regarding the details of the selection process.
In principle, application documents will not be returned.

Job Description PDF

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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 1 Jobs
  • Location Japan